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Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 5:08 pm
by Heather1983
I just bought an Epiphone Acoustic ( pre-owned), and it sounds incredible! However, when I am playing over a mic, next to a Martin, the Epiphone isn't as loud and if we increase the volume of the instrument mic, we get some feedback through the system. I am alittle hesitant on installing a pickup system in this guitar simply because the last time I had this done, it killed the sound of the guitar if you played it over a mic.
I know there are some pick ups that simply clip in to the side of the sound hole, however I don't want anything that would damage the guitar ( scratch).
I have an Ibanez Acoustic Electric, and it sounds like a plastic guitar when its plugged in. I would have purchased a Martin D28, but instead, I purchased a Gibson Les Paul and, those are pretty expensive. I am looking for a good acoustic set up.

Any suggestions?


Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:04 pm
by crazybriton
My nephew plays guitar. I will be glad to ask him for information. I don't really know what a pick up is but I am sure he will explain it to me.


Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:20 pm
by LyndaleExile
Have you completely ruled out strumming/picking styles from this problem? Is it you playing on both the Epiphone and Martin and getting these results?

Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:14 pm
by Heather1983
LyndaleExile wrote:Have you completely ruled out strumming/picking styles from this problem? Is it you playing on both the Epiphone and Martin and getting these results?
Oh no, the Martin sounds incredible. The epiphone sounds great as well. Very crisp, but I like to play acoustics over a mic and in the case with the epiphone, we have to increase the volume on the instrument mic to pick up the sound. Doing that gives us a ton of feed back. We tried switching mics but it doesn't help. I am just a little worried that if I install a permanent pick up in it and just amp the thing, it may kill the sounds because I had that happen before. I am looking for a good pick up that won't require a lot of cutting and reworking. I put a bone in the Epiphone and did some minor adjustments. It has a great sound to it though. Nice ring, just not as booming as I would like when using a mic.


Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:44 pm
by caged rat
Look here:

I bought the first one for the Baton Rouge of a friend... Easy and riskless to adopt and sounds very good ;)

Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:31 pm
by Heather1983
caged rat wrote:Look here:

I bought the first one for the Baton Rouge of a friend... Easy and riskless to adopt and sounds very good ;)
Thanks for that, I'd heard about the Seymour Duncan, just wanted to get more information on that. I will check that out.

Re: Question for the Guitarists!

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:28 pm
by Asylunt
Those Martins sound so nice, hard for the Epi to match.